Thursday, February 3, 2011


New Blog here by me. Going to be mainly about the games I play most, those being League of Legends and WoW, two really popular games.
The plan is to have named posts, at least 3 times a week
Monday Legends - All about League of Legends these days, whether it be about a hero, or some new changes
Patch Tuesdays - Patches for both of my games patch on Tuesday, going to be busy here
WoW Wednesday - Going to discuss some stuff I do in WoW, raiding or PvP I do sometimes.

Go ahead and leave a comment if you have any other games you think I would be interested in, the game having a 3 letter acronym would be funny and related to the others :P


  1. Well i'm all for helping the new starters only been on here for 5 days and already have near to 70 followers, keep it up talk about things people WANT to read, keep it fun.

  2. Cool, it's nice you have a schedule.
    Hope to see some content up here soon.

  3. We need more League of Legends talk!

  4. I always wanted to try League of Legends! It's also great seeing another world of Warcraft blog, I'll be sure to keep up to date on your postings. =P

  5. I haven't seen a LoL blog yet, should be interesting. Following you.

  6. Thanks for the Cell theme! Can't wait to see some of your posts in the future. :)

  7. I dont even like WOW but this is a good site! Nice! keep it up. Following and supporting!

  8. Just keep the posts coming, and eventually you'll get more followers. :)

  9. Awesome! Add me on LoL, username is Blu3hand. If you use skype, add ls-404 or search for blu3hand.

  10. You like LoL? Thats awesome! Who do you main?

  11. Following, I look forward to more :)

  12. Can't wait for your views on Karma

  13. add meh on LoL newketchum, just gotz Kog Maw wooooo

  14. Joooooy. Lookin' forward to your WoW discussion. Haha.
